The Long Striped Crochet Scarf Pattern

The Long Striped Crochet Scarf Pattern (images and text for personal use only)

Materials Needed:
Yarn: K+C Essential Cotton Yarn Colorway Yarn 1 – White Sands and Colorway Yarn 2 – Zion. There are other yarn colorways available at JoAnn.
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: 5.5 stitches/inch in crochet moss stitch pattern. The scarf can be modified for any preferred width or length so gauge not really that important. The Long Striped Crochet Scarf is about 6.5 inches wide and 87.5 inches long.
Crochet hook: US size G-6 or 4.0 mm
Skill Level: Beginner – know how to slip stitch crochet, single crochet, chain 1 and chain 2
[…]: pattern repeat

With Size G-6 (4.0 mm) crochet hook, chain 32 stitches (video tutorial on how to make a crochet chain) with Colorway Yarn 1 (White Sands).

  • Row 1 (RS): With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet into the 4th chain stitch from the hook, chain 1, [skip one stitch, single crochet into the next chain stitch, chain 1] repeat […] till the last chain stitch with the slip knot, single crochet in the last stitch, chain 2 and turn (15 single crochets in the row with chain ones)
  • Row 2 (WS): With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, attach Colorway Yarn 2 and pull that loop through the single crochet, chain 2 and turn. 
  • Row 3: With Colorway Yarn 2 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, chain 2 and turn.
  • Row 4: With Colorway Yarn 2 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, pull through the Colorway Yarn 1 loop through the single crochet, chain 2 with Colorway Yarn 1 and turn. 
  • Row 5: With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, chain 2 and turn.
  • Row 6: With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, pull through the Colorway Yarn 2 loop through the single crochet, chain 2 with Colorway Yarn 2 and turn. 

Repeat Rows 3 to 6, seventy-eight more times (increase or decrease the number of repeats for preferred length)

  • With Colorway Yarn 2 – Repeat Rows 3 and 4 once more
  • Break and secure Colorway Yarn 2
  • With Colorway Yarn 1 – Repeat Row 5 once
  • Last Row: With Colorway Yarn 1 – Single crochet in the chain 1 space, chain 1, [single crochet in the next chain 1 space, chain 1] repeat […] till the last stitch, single crochet in the last stitch, and pull through the Colorway Yarn 1 loop through the single crochet and break yarn.

Scarf Border:

Round 1 (Crochet Moss Stitch):

  • With G-6 (4.0 mm) crochet hook and Colorway Yarn 1, make a slip knot (watch video tutorial) and bring it under and through the chain 2 space of the last stitch on the front top left side corner of the scarf, chain 2, single crochet into the same corner stitch once more and chain one. Turn in counter clockwise direction (see image below)


  • [Single crochet, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] all down the front left side of the scarf till the last corner stitch
  • Single crochet in the corner stitch, chain 2, single crochet, chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  • [Single crochet, chain 1 in the next stitch of the foundation crochet chain edge, skip the next stitch], repeat […] all along the foundation crochet chain edge till the last corner stitch
  • Single crochet in the corner stitch, chain 2, single crochet, chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  • [Single crochet, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] up all along the front right side of the scarf till the last corner stitch
  • Single crochet in the corner stitch, chain 2, single crochet, chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  • [Single crochet, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] all along the last row of the scarf till the chain 2 space of the beginning of the round 

Round 2 (Slip stitch, chain 1):

  1. In the corner stitch chain 2 space of the beginning of round, [slip stitch in the chain 2 space, chain 1], repeat […] once more . Turn in counter clockwise direction
  2. [In the chain 1 space of the crochet moss stitch, slip one, chain one], repeat […] all down the front left side of the scarf
  3. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch. Turn in counter clockwise direction
  4. Repeat step 2 all along the foundation crochet chain edge of the scarf
  5. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  6. Repeat step 2 up all along the front right side of the scarf
  7. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  8. Repeat step 2 all along the last row of the scarf
  9. At the beginning of round corner, slip stitch into the chain 2 space and pull yarn through

Weave in the ends, wash and block the Long Striped Scarf
