Suddenly It’s Summer Dishcloth Pattern

Hello folks, it’s been quite a hot summer this past week, hasn’t it? Thankfully, we’re getting past the heatwave of last week. Usually when the weather is this hot, a cotton dishcloth is all I want to make. After two years of writing some knitting patterns on this blog it’s time to try writing a crochet pattern. A big thanks to all the readers of this blog for the comments and feedback on my knitting patterns.

Suddenly It’s Summer Dishcloth pattern is a variation of the single crochet stitch pattern. I learnt crochet watching the video series “Crochet for Knitters” by Stacy of Since then. I’ve discovered other crochet video tutorials on YouTube and several different crochet stitch patterns.

Yarn: Any cotton worsted weight yarn. I made one dishcloth with Peaches & Crème yarn in the Panorama colorway and the other dishcloth and Premier Home Cotton® Cone yarn in Jelly Dots colorway. 
For the Crochet Moss Stitch border Lily Sugar’n Cream yarn in Country Red colorway. 
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: Not needed (I had about 5 stitches per inch)
Crochet hook: US size 7 or 4.50 mm crochet hook
RS: right side
WS: wrong side
sc: single crochet
[…]: pattern repeat

Suddenly It’s Summer Dishcloth (text and images for personal use only)

With US #7 (4.5 mm) crochet hook, chain 34

Row 1 (RS): Single crochet in the second chain from the hook to end. Chain 1, turn

The Single Crochet Stitch Pattern Variation:

The regular single crochet (pictured below) where the crochet hook is inserted under both the strands of the v shaped stitch


The single crochet variation (pictured below) inserts the crochet hook only under the front facing strand of the v shaped stitch.


Row 2 (WS): Single crochet using the single crochet stitch variation to end of the row, chain 1, turn

Repeat Row 2 till preferred length reached and bind off on the right side row. For Suddenly it’s Summer Dishcloth, the length is 7 to 7.5 inches (14 ridges/lines). Dishcloth width is a little more than 7 inches after blocking.

Crochet Moss Stitch Border (in the round):

With any contrasting color yarn and starting at the bind off edge of the dishcloth, 1 sc in the corner stitch, chain 2, 1 sc again on the same corner stitch and chain 1.

[Skip a stitch, then sc in the next stitch, chain 1]. Repeat […] till the next corner stitch. 

[sc at the corner stitch, chain 2, sc again on the same corner stitch, chain 1, skip a stitch and sc on the next stitch, chain 1]. Repeat […] 2 more times till the beginning of the round.

Slip stitch into the first crochet moss stitch and chain 15 for the hanging loop. Slip stitch into the second crochet moss stitch, break yarn and pull yarn through.

crochetmossstitch (1)

Weave in the ends, wash and block dishcloth.
