The Dotted Dishcloth Pattern

During a heatwave, knitting dishcloths with cotton yarn is practical both for personal use as well as for gifting. I knit dishcloths so I can explore and learn the different knit stitch patterns. Knitting dishcloths is also very therapeutic and calming amidst the chaos that sometimes happens in our personal lives. The Dotted Dishcloth is knit flat in the woven transverse herringbone stitch pattern with slip stitches for the herringbone shape. The dishcloth is finished with a slip stitch, chain one border edge.

Materials Needed for the Dotted Dishcloth:
Yarn: Premier Home Cotton® Cone yarn in Jelly Dots (Colorway 1) and Colorway 2 – any solid color worsted weight cotton yarn for the border (I used a pink color cotton yarn that I had) 
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: 4.5 stitches per inch in woven transverse herringbone stitch pattern
Knitting Needles: US #7 (4.5 mm) for knitting the dishcloth and US #9 (5.0 mm) for cast on and bind off.
Crochet hook: US size 7 (4.5 mm) for the border edge

Knitting Skill Level: Advanced beginner level – knit, purl and slip stitches
Crochet Skill Level: Basic level with chain one and slip stitch 


  • K: Knit
  • P: Purl
  • wyib S2: with yarn held back slip two stitches purlwise
  • wyif S2: with yarn in front slip two stitches purlwise
  • sm: slip marker
  • wyif S1: with yarn in front slip one stitch purlwise
  • wyib S1: with yarn held back slip one stitch purlwise
  • RS: right side
  • WS: wrong side
  • […]: stitch pattern repeats

The Dotted Dishcloth Pattern (text and images for personal use only)

Cast on 40 stitches with Colorway 1 yarn using US #9 knitting needles using any long tail cast on method. Transfer a stitch on a US #7 knitting needle, place a marker and transfer the rest of the stitches till the last one, place marker and transfer the last stitch onto the US #7 needle and begin knitting the Dotted Dishcloth

  • Row 1 (RS): K1, sm, [K2, wyif S2], repeat […] till last 2 stitches before marker, K2, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 2 (WS): K1, sm, P1, [wyib S2, P2], repeat […] till 1 stitch before marker, wyib S1, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 3: K1, sm, [wyif S2, K2], repeat […] till 2 stitches before marker, wyif S2, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 4: K1, sm, wyib S1, [P2, wyib S2], repeat […] till 1 stitch before marker, P1, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 5: Repeat Row 1
  • Row 6: Repeat Row 2
  • Row 7: Repeat Row 3
  • Row 8: Repeat Row 4
  • Row 9 (RS): K1, sm, [wyif S2, K2], repeat […] till 2 stitches before marker, wyif S2, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 10 (WS): K1, sm, P1, [wyib S2, P2], repeat […] till 1 stitch before marker, wyib S1, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 11: K1, sm, [K2, wyif S2], repeat […] till last 2 stitches before marker, K2, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 12: K1, sm, wyib S1, [P2, wyib S2], repeat […] till 1 stitch before marker, P1, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 13: Repeat Row 9
  • Row 14: Repeat Row 10
  • Row 15: Repeat Row 11
  • Row 16: Repeat Row 12

Repeat Rows 1 to 16 three more times

Repeat Rows 1 to 8 once more

Bind off row (RS): With US #9 knitting needles bind off all the stitches and pull working yarn through the last stitch

Slip Stitch, Chain One Border Edge:

With Colorway 2 yarn and US #7 (4.5 mm) crochet hook,

  • Make a slip knot (video tutorial) and insert the hook under the sideway V (>) of the second to last stitch of the bind off row (see image above), chain one 
  • [Insert hook into the bind off corner stitch, yarn over, pull yarn under the stitch and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] once more
  • Turn counterclockwise, [skip one edge stitch and insert the hook under both the strands of the V of the next edge stitch on the left side of the dishcloth, yarn over, pull yarn through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] till the corner edge stitch
  • At the bottom left corner edge stitch, [insert hook into the left corner edge stitch, yarn over, pull yarn through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] once more
  • Turn counterclockwise, [skip one cast on edge stitch and insert the hook under both the strands of the V of the next cast on edge stitch, yarn over, pull yarn through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] till the corner cast on edge stitch
  • At the bottom right corner cast on edge stitch, [insert hook into the corner cast on edge stitch, yarn over, pull yarn through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] once more
  • Turn counterclockwise, [skip one edge stitch and insert the hook under both the strands of the V of the next edge stitch on the right side of the dishcloth, yarn over, pull yarn through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] till the top right side corner edge stitch
  • At the top right corner edge stitch, [insert hook into the corner edge stitch, yarn over, pull yarn through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] once more
  • Turn counterclockwise, [skip one bind off row edge stitch and insert the hook under both the strands of the V of the next bind off row edge stitch of the dishcloth, yarn over, pull yarn through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook, chain one], repeat […] till the beginning stitch of the first crochet edge stitch
  • Slip stitch into the beginning stitch and chain 12 for the hanging loop
  • Insert hook into the bind off corner edge crochet stitch, yarn over, pull through and slip stitch into the loop on the hook and pull the working yarn through the loop on the hook

Weave in the ends, wash and block the Dotted Dishcloth
