The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth Pattern

The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth is knit using the mosaic colorwork technique with slip stitches and two different colors of yarn. In mosaic knitting only one color of yarn is needed per row. The mosaic pattern in the Bricks and Mortar Dishcloth is formed with garter slip stitches and by switching the two different colors of yarn back and forth every two rows. The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth is knit flat and measures about 7.5 x 7.5 inches after washing. The dishcloth is finished with a round of crochet moss stitch and a round of slip stitch, chain one border edge with a hanging loop.

The Brick and Mortar Dishcloth Pattern (text and images for personal use only)

Materials Needed:
Yarn: Premier Home Cotton® Cone yarn in Jelly Dots (Colorway 1) and Lily Sugar’n Cream yarn in Country Red (Colorway 2) 
Tapestry needle to weave in ends
Gauge: 4.5 stitches per inch in garter stitch pattern
Knitting Needles: US #7 (4.5 mm) for knitting the dishcloth and US#8 (5.0 mm) for cast on.
Crochet hook: US size G-6 or 4.0 mm for the border edge

Knitting Skill Level: Advanced beginner to Intermediate level with  2 color mosaic knitting and slip stitches
Crochet Skill Level: Basic level with single crochet, chain one, and slip stitch 


  • K: Knit
  • P: Purl
  • wyib S1: with yarn held back slip one stitch purlwise
  • pm: place marker
  • sm: slip marker
  • wyif S1: with yarn in front slip one stitch purlwise
  • RS: right side
  • WS: wrong side
  • sc: single crochet
  • […]: stitch pattern repeats

Cast on:

With US #8 knitting needles and Colorway 1 yarn, cast on 32 stitches using the thumb or any other long tail cast on method of choice

Dishcloth Stitch Pattern:

With US #7 knitting needles, knit the following:

  • Row 1 (RS): With Colorway 1 yarn – K1, pm, knit to 1 stitch before last, pm, wyif S1
  • Row 2 (WS): K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 3: With Colorway 2 yarn – K1, sm, K4, [wyib S1 purlwise, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyib S1 purlwise, K1, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 4: K1, sm, K1, [wyif S1 purlwise, bring yarn to the back, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyif S1 purlwise, yarn back, K4, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 5: With Colorway 1 yarn – K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 6: K1, sm, K1, [P1, K5], repeat […] three more times, K4, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 7: With Colorway 2 yarn – K1, sm, K1, [wyib S1 purlwise, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyib S1 purlwise, K4, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 8: K1, sm, K4, [wyif S1 purlwise, bring yarn to the back, K5], repeat […] three more times, wyif S1 purlwise, yarn back, K1, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 9: With Colorway 1 yarn – K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1 purlwise
  • Row 10: K1, sm, K4, [P1, K5], repeat […] three more times, K1, sm, wyif S1 purlwise

Repeat Rows 3 – 10, six more times
Break Colorway 2 yarn and secure the yarn tail to Colorway 1 yarn

Bind Off:

Bind off Row 1 (RS): Colorway 1 yarn, K1, sm, knit to marker, sm, wyif S1
Bind off Row 2 (WS): With US #8 knitting needles, bind off purlwise removing the markers

Dishcloth Border Edge (see image below):

Round 1 (Crochet Moss Stitch):

  1. With G-6 (4.0 mm) crochet hook and Colorway 2 yarn, make a slip knot (watch video tutorial) and bring it under and through the V of the last stitch of Bind off Row 1 (RS), chain 2, sc, chain 1 in the same stitch. Turn in counter clockwise direction (see image below)
  2. [Sc in the slipped row edge stitch, chain 1, skip the next stitch], and repeat […] all along the front left side of the dishcloth till the last corner stitch
  3. Sc in the corner stitch, chain 2, sc chain one all in the same corner stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  4. [Sc, chain 1 in the next stitch of the cast on edge, skip the next stitch], repeat […] all along the cast on edge till the last corner stitch
  5. Repeat step 3 at the corner stitch
  6. Repeat step 4 going up along the front right side of the dishcloth
  7. Repeat step 3 at the corner stitch. 
  8. Repeat step 4 all along the bind off edge of the dishcloth till the stitch at beginning of round 

Round 2 (Slip stitch, chain 1):

  1. In the corner stitch chain 2 space, [slip stitch in the chain 2 space, chain 1], repeat […] once more . Turn in counter clockwise direction
  2. [In the chain 1 space of the crochet moss stitch, slip one, chain one], repeat […] all along the front left side of the dishcloth
  3. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch. Turn in counter clockwise direction
  4. Repeat step 2 all along the front cast on edge of the dishcloth
  5. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  6. Repeat step 2 all along the front right side of the dishcloth
  7. At the corner stitch, [slip one, chain one] twice in the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch, turn in counter clockwise direction
  8. Repeat step 2 all along the bind off edge till the last stitch in that row.
  9. Chain 10 for the hanging loop 
  10. Slip stitch into the chain 2 space of the crochet moss stitch corner edge and pull yarn through


Break Colorway 1 yarn and weave in the ends
Wash and block the Brick and Mortar Dishcloth

The Center Out Mitered Dishcloth Pattern

The Center Out Mitered Dishcloth

The Center Out Mitered Dishcloth is knit in the round from the center using the magic loop cast on and knitting method. I’ve used magic loop cast on and knitting method to knit top-down hat (posted here), blanket (posted here), etc.  Although a bit fiddly the first few rounds, magic loop cast on and knitting method makes customizing to preferred size more straightforward. 

In the Center Out Mitered Dishcloth pattern, eight stitches are cast on using the magic loop cast on method (several tutorials available on YouTube), and then 8 stitches are increased every other round to the preferred size. A 2 stitch I-cord bind off border including a hanging loop is added to finishing the dishcloth.

The Center Out Mitered Dishcloth Pattern (text and images for personal use only):

Yarn: Premier Home Cotton® Cone in Jelly dots colorway 
Yarn: Lily Sugar’n Cream in Country Red colorway (for the 2 stitch I-cord border and loop)
Knitting Needles: Circular US #7 knitting needles (16 and 32 inches cable length), and US #6 knitting needle
Gauge: Not needed

  • K: Knit
  • P: Purl
  • Kfb: Knit front and back (knit one stitch first in the front and then knit the same stitch in the back before slipping it off the left needle – 1 stitch increase)
  • ssk: slip slip knit (slip 2 stitches to right hand needle then insert the left needle in front of the two slipped stitches and knit them together
  • pm: place marker
  • sm: slip marker
  • BOR: beginning of round marker

With Premier Home Cotton® Cone yarn in Jelly dots colorway, cast-on 8 stitches using the magic loop cast-on method and 32 inches or more US #7 circular needle . Divide the stitches equally (4 stitches) between the left and right of the 32 inches US #7 circular needle.

  • Round 1: Kfb all stitches
  • Round 2: Knit all (16 stitches)
  • Round 3: Kfb, K2, Kfb, pm, Kfb, K2, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K2, Kfb, pm, Kfb, K2, Kfb, place BOR marker
  • Round 4: Knit all stitches (24 stitches)
  • Round 5: Kfb, K4, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K4, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K4, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K4, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 6: K1, P7, sm, K1, P7, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, K1, P7, sm, K1, P7, slip BOR marker (32 stitches)
  • Round 7: Kfb, K6, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K6, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K6, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K6, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 8: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (40 stitches)
  • Round 9: Kfb, K8, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K8, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K8, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K8, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 10: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (48 stitches)
  • Round 11: Kfb, K10, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K10, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K10, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K10, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 12: K1, P13, sm, K1, P13, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, K1, P13, sm, K1, P13, slip BOR marker (56 stitches)
  • Round 13: Kfb, K12, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K12, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K12, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K12, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 14: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (64 stitches)
  • Round 15: Kfb, K14, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K14, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K14, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K14, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 16: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (72 stitches)
  • Round 17: Kfb, K16, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K16, Kfb, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, Kfb, K16, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K16, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 18: K1, P19, sm, K1, P19, turn to work on stitches on the next needle, K1, P19, sm, K1, P19, slip BOR marker (80 stitches).
  • With US #7 16 inch circular knitting needles knit the following rounds:
  • Round 19: Kfb, K18, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K18, Kfb, pm, Kfb, K18, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K18, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 20: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (88 stitches). 
  • Round 21: Kfb, K20, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K20, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K20, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K20, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 22: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (96 stitches)
  • Round 23: Kfb, K22, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K22, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K22, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K22, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 24: K1, P25, sm, K1, P25, sm, K1, P25, sm, K1, P25, slip BOR marker (104 stitches)
  • Round 25: Kfb, K24, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K24, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K24, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K24, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 26: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (112 stitches)
  • Round 27: Kfb, K26, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K26, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K26, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K26, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 28: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (120 stitches)
  • Round 29: Kfb, K28, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K28, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K28, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K28, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 30: K1, P31, sm, K1, P31, sm, K1, P31, sm, K1, P31, slip BOR marker (128 stitches)
  • Round 31: Kfb, K30, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K30, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K30, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K30, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 32: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (136 stitches)
  • Round 33: Kfb, K32, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K32, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K32, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K32, Kfb, slip BOR marker
  • Round 34: Knit all stitches, slip BOR marker (144 stitches)
  • Round 35: (With Lily Sugar’n Cream yarn in Country Red colorway) Kfb, K34, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K34, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K34, Kfb, sm, Kfb, K34, Kfb, slip BOR marker (152 stitches)
  • Round 36: Bind off with the 2 stitch I-cord bind off method using a US #6 needle
    • Knit 2 stitches with US #6 knitting needle, then place them back on the US #7 needle, K1, ssk (with US#6 needle), place the 2 stitches back onto US#7 needles. Repeat this till 1 stitch left on the US #7 needle
    • Knit the hanging loop by knitting 10 I-cord rows with US #6 needles, then transfer the 2 stitches back onto the US #7 needle that has 1 stitch remaining. Repeat the I-cord bind off one more time and then graft the 2 stitches on the needle to the first two I-cord bound off stitches.

To tighten the gap in the center, insert yarn tail with a tapestry needle through the first eight stitches and pull them tight to close the gap. 
(Optional) Pass the Lily Sugar’n Cream yarn in Country Red colorway several times around the bottom of the hanging loop for a more finished look.
Weave in the ends, wash and block the dishcloth.

The dishcloth can be knit with any cotton or cotton blended worsted weight yarn. The dishcloth below is in a solid color yarn and was knit using a size US #8 circular knitting needles.
