Tutorial Series: The Knotted K2tog Bind Off

A decorative bind – off method that I used in The Cozy Season Shrug is the Knotted K2tog bind – off. It gives a nicer looking finished edge for shawls, shrugs etc. that can be added to a garter stitch pattern border.

The written instructions and video below on how to do the knotted K2tog bind – off is shown for right handed knitting.


  • K: Knit
  • K2tog: Knit the two stitches on the left knitting needle together
  • wyif: with the working yarn in front

The Knotted K2tog Bind Off:

Knotted K2tog Bind Off: (written intructions)

  1. To begin the bind off row/round: K2, wyif slip the 2 knitted stitches on the right knitting needle back onto the left knitting needle
  2. Wrap the working yarn in front of the 2 stitches on the left knitting needle
  3. Insert the right knitting needle into the wrapped stitches on the left knitting needle and knit those 2 stitches together.
  4. Knit the next stitch on the left knitting needle. There are two stitches on the right knitting needle
  5. Pass the second stitch on the right knitting needle over the first stitch on that needle
  6. K1, wyif slip the 2 knitted stitches on the right knitting needle back onto the left knitting needle
  7. Repeat steps 2 to 5
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 till one stitch left in the bind off row/round
  9. Cut and pull working yarn through the last remaining stitch and weave in the end
